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TiLite 2GX

Technical Specification

Frame Features Titanium Box Frame Folding Modular Design Full Adjustability Camber 0º, 2º, 4º, or 6º
Total Width Folded* 10.75” Centre of Gravity Adjustment 6"
Total Chair Width* 23” Transit options Transport Bracket
Seat Width 12” – 22”

Transport Weight*

120.2 kg Standard
158.7 kg Heavy Duty
Seat Depth Fixed Front - 70º, 80º, or 85º
Swing Away - 70º, 80º, 85º, or 90º
Weight limit  120.2 kg Standard
158.7 kg Heavy Duty
Front Seat Height 13.5” – 2 Warranty Five Years on Frame
One Year on TiLite Components
Rear Seat Height 13” – 20 * Weights and widths based on 16” x 16” chair with 0º camber, minimum rear wheel spacing and all standard features. Rear wheels are not included in transport weight. For reference, a pair of standard 24” rear wheels weighs 3.27 kg.
Front Frame Angle ixed Front - 70º, 80º, or 85º
Swing Away - 70º, 80º, 85º, or 90º
Seat Back Type Folding Seat Back
Adj. Height 11” – 20.5”
Adj. Angle 80° – 101°
Fixed Seat Back
Adj. Height 11” – 20”


Modular Design:

Optimise your ride with custom configuration. This chair’s modular design allows you to add options including after market seating systems, switching fixed and swing away front ends, and growing chair width and / or depth to meet changing user needs.

Custom Configuration

Custom Configuration allows you to add options and components to your chair to meet your needs and to optimise your riding experience. This includes choices of wheels, handrims, tyres, wheel locks, colour, tattoos, and more. TiLite offers more options for the individual.

TiLite 2GX

Contact us 02 9607 2233

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3.27 KGS